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Dolomite originates in the same sedimentary environments as limestone - warm, shallow, marine environments where calcium carbonate mud accumulates in the form of shell debris, fecal material, coral fragments, and carbonate precipitates. Dolomite is thought to form when the calcite (CaCO3) in carbonate mud or limestone is modified by magnesium-rich groundwater. The available magnesium facilitates the conversion of calcite into dolomite (CaMg(CO3)2). This chemical change is known as "dolomitization." Dolomitization can completely alter a limestone into a dolomite, or it can partially alter the rock to form a "dolomitic limestone."

Application: -

Paints & Putty

Micronized Dolomite Powder is readily soluble in water. Hence, it is used as an extender in water based paints – emulsions, distempers and primers. Since Dolomite is rich in Lime and high in whiteness, it is also used in manufacturing wall putty.


Dolomite loses upto 50% mass on ignition and the residue has a high content of Magnesium Oxide. As a result, it leads to very high after burning whiteness. This means that ceramics using dolomite powder in their mixture turn out to be extremely white when heating in ovens.


Manufacturing of sheet glass requires Lime (CaO) as well as Magnesia (MgO). While both the elements improve the durability of glass, Magnesia in particular reduces the undesired devitrification during the manufacturing process. Since both Lime and Magnesia are the base components of Dolomite, it is considered as an excellent source of these elements for glassmaking.


Dolomite is easily soluble in water and has optimally hard particles. Hence, it is an important inexpensive filler in detergent powders.

Iron & Steel

Dolomite is a double Carbonate of Calcium and Magnesium. This means that it loses nearly 50% of its mass upon ignition by way releasing Carbon Dioxide. Subsequently, Iron and Steel manufacturing plants use Dolomite Powder as a fluxing agent because of its Oxidising property. Additionally, calcined and sintered Dolomite is used as refractory lining and refractory raw material, respectively.


Besides high Magnesium content, Dolomite also has high Ph level. This means that it is an alkaline mineral. While a balanced soil Ph is essential for the survival of all crops, the Magnesium content in soil is particularly necessary for the growth of plants. Consequently, farming and commercial agriculture requires Dolomite Powder as a Ph buffer in acidic soils as well as a fertilizer for Magnesium deficient soils.